Programs, Teachings and Traditions That Don’t Follow the Gospel
If the church you’re visiting isn’t Gospel-centered, there’s a problem. Visitors who grew up in Christian denominations can sense when a church is lacking a biblical center and it will turn them away, and for good reason. A genuine Christian church is founded on the life, death, resurrection and Gospel of Jesus Christ. It bases its doctrines and teachings on the Bible. In the early church, creeds were often used to identify the basic beliefs of Christians. What is known as The Apostles Creed has been recognized as perhaps the oldest historic statement of the fundamental beliefs of orthodox Christianity. Such basic beliefs are held in common agreement by thousands of Christian churches, made up of scores of denominations. If a church or minister cannot agree with the statements of the creed, it can be assumed they are not a Christian church, and very likely in the category of a cult. Because our society is peppered with cults and misguided religions, it goes without saying that persons should always thoroughly research any alleged church before getting involved with it in any way.