2024-07-09 2024-07-09

Communication with GodBusyness – it happens, to all of us and when before we know it the day is over and a new beginning is upon us. It’s important to never forget who we owe it all too – God. Without the Lord, we would not wake up and have the opportunity to embark on endeavors that bring forth another day. A day that is full of possibilities. A day that is full of fortune and most of all a day that is full of blessings.

The great thing about God is that he’s always listening. No matter what you did the day before or perhaps what you didn’t do, the Lord is always willing and ready to listen. It doesn’t matter if you have five minutes or 15 seconds, he’ll always be able to give you a shoulder or lend an ear. Now here’s what you consider the hard part – how do you talk to God every day?

Make him a priority – Think of your daily date with God as an appointment with your doctor. You’ll schedule an appointment with your physician if you need something checked out or if you’re due for an annual check-up. Well, communicating with God each day should be viewed from the same retrospect. Talking to God daily will give you an internal high that will carry you throughout your day-to-day – not only will it serve as motivation, but it will also act as guidance. Allocate a certain amount of time to speak with God each day. It doesn’t have to be a long amount of time, in fact it can be as simple as when you’re driving to work. However, making God a priority will help you speak freely to your Lord and Savior.

Say goodbye to your reservations – When you communicate with the Lord, you must be willing to place your reservations at bay. God accepts you for who you are and it’s important that you be true to yourself. The only way you’ll hear the word of God is by sharing your truths, otherwise he won’t be able to provide you with true speech. Don’t be worried about how you sound. God knows your true value and self – he will not judge.

Prayer – Praying is just one way we use words to communicate with God. Through prayer, Christians have the opportunity to voice their concerns and ask for blessings. Use prayer to speak to God on a daily basis and express to him what is on your mind. Prayer will help to provide strength and balance in your life – and give God the opportunity to guide you on your journey of salvation.

Nature – The beautiful sunset peaking through the mountain tops, the brightly colored flowers and the sound of the waves hitting the shore – that’s all part of God’s glory. Nature provides God’s people with a divine sense of life. Soak in the beauty by admiring the beauty that surrounds the world and allow those natural elements to inspire.

The reality is that God surrounds us. No matter how far we move astray or how close we lean our head to his shoulder, he’s present every day. Additionally, there is no right or wrong way to speak with the Lord because he takes everyone exactly the way they are.

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