2024-05-07 2024-05-07

A faith-based film, making history as the first evangelical silent feature to be released since sound was added to films in 1927. The story follows the journey of a New Testament Bible touching the lives of seven strangers from all walks of life. Here are three main themes featured in the film:

God’s Word Is Always Working

The Bible is the main driving force in the film, being passed around to touch the lives of different families. The film shows a world of hurting hearts dealing with a wide range of challenges including addiction, adultery and teen pregnancy. While the “Good Book” was given to 14 people only 7 accepted, showing how the message of The Gospel is always working whether it’s welcomed or rejected.

God Will Meet You Where You’re At

There’s not a valley low enough to keep God’s love from responding to His children. In the film, the Bible intertwines the lives of the rich, poor, blessed and despondent. Though you will have to use your imagination to interpret the unspoken dialogue, it’s impossible to miss the transformational power of God on-screen.

We All Have A Role To Play In Sharing The Gospel

The movie encourages Christians to evangelize and be active in sharing their faith. People won’t always receive it with gladness, but even so the Bible calls believers to plant and water the seed leaving God to give the increase.

Everyone has something to gain from experiencing this tale of struggle and redemption. Visit here to order your copy of the DVD. Churches interested in hosting a screening can download a free digital copy.

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