
It’s a sad fact that some Christians have committed suicide. Adding to the tragedy is the false narrative that committing suicide sends you to hell automatically. Many believe a Christian who commits suicide won’t be saved, but the Bible doesn’t support this teaching.

What does the Bible say about suicide?

The Bible mentions six people who have contemplated suicide: Saul, Saul’s armor-bearer, Abimelech, Zimri, Ahithopel, and Judas. Five of these men were known for their wickedness, except for Saul’s armor-bearer. Some believe Sampson’s death is a case of suicide because he knew his actions would lead to his death, but Sampson intended to kill the Philistines, not himself. The Bible sees suicide as an equal to murder, which is what it is: self-murder. God is the only one to decide how and when a person should die. We should carry the same mindset as the psalmist in Psalm 31:15.

God is the giver of life. Job 1:21 tells us that He gives and takes away. Suicide, or taking your own life, is ungodly because it refuses God’s gift of life. No one should presume to take God’s authority upon themselves to end their life. Some people in the Bible felt deep despair in life. For example, in his pursuit of pleasure, Solomon reached the point where he hated life, as detailed in Ecclesiastes 2:17. Elijah was depressed, fearful, and yearned for death. In Jonah 4:8, Jonah was so mad with God that he wished to die. Even Paul and his missionary companions despaired of life itself because they were under tremendous pressure beyond their ability to endure.

Still, none of these men went through with committing suicide. Solomon ascertained to fear God and keep His commandments, which is humanity’s duty, as detailed in Ecclesiastes 12:13. An angel comforted Elijah, allowed him to rest, and was given a new commission. Jonah received criticism and scolding from God. Paul learned that God could bear all things despite the pressure he faced being beyond his ability to endure, as detailed in 2 Corinthians 1:9. So, suicide is a sin, according to the Bible. It’s not the greatest sin, but it’s no worse than other evils regarding how God sees it, and it doesn’t determine a person’s eternal destiny.

However, suicide has a lasting and profound impact on those left behind. The painful scars left by a suicide don’t heal quickly. May God show His grace to those facing trials, and may each of us take hope in the promise that those who call on God’s name will be saved.

Do Christians go to heaven if they commit suicide?

The Bible teaches that we’re guaranteed eternal life from the moment we believe in Christ, specifically in John 3:16. According to the Bible, Christians can recognize beyond any doubt that they have eternal life, and nothing can split up a Christian from God’s love. No “created thing” can isolate a Christian from God’s love, and a Christian who commits suicide is a “created thing.” Therefore, not even suicide can seperate Christians from God’s love. Jesus died for our sins, and if a genuine Christian, in a time of spiritual weakness, commits suicide, their sin is still covered by Jesus’ blood.

According to the Bible, suicide doesn’t determine whether a person gains entrance into heaven. If an unsaved person commits suicide, they haven’t done anything but expedite their journey to hell. However, they’ll ultimately be in hell for rejecting salvation through Jesus, not because they committed suicide, as detailed in John 3:18. However, it should also be noted that no one truly knows what’s happening in a person’s heart the moment they die. Some have “deathbed discussions” and accept Jesus moments before they die. Possibly, someone who commits suicide could have a last-minute change of heart and cry out for God’s grace and mercy, but we leave such judgments to God, as detailed in 1 Samuel 16:7.

A believer’s suicide is evidence that anyone can struggle with despair and that the enemy, Satan, is a murderer from the start, as described in John 8:44. Suicide is still a severe sin against God. The Bible says that suicide is murder, so it’s always wrong. Christians are called to live for God, and the decision of when to die is God’s and His alone.

Why you shouldn’t commit suicide.

Worldwide, hearts go out to people who think of ending their lives through suicide. If that’s you, it may speak to numerous emotions, like despair and hopelessness. You might feel like you’re in the bottomless pit and doubt there’s hope of things getting better. No one seems to understand or care about where you’re coming from. Suppose you’ll take a few moments to consider letting God be God in your life right now. In that case, He’ll prove how big He truly is because, according to Luke 1:37, nothing is impossible with Him.

Maybe scars from past pains have resulted in an overwhelming sense of abandonment or rejection, which leads to anger, self-pity, unhealthy fears or vengeful thoughts that have caused issues in some of your most significant relationships. Why shouldn’t you commit suicide? No matter how bad things are in your life, a God of love is waiting for you to let Him lead you through your tunnel of despair and into His marvelous light. He’s your sure hope, and His name is Jesus. Jesus, the sinless Son of God, identifies with you in your time of humiliation and rejection.

The prophet Isaiah wrote of Jesus in Isaiah 53:2-6, illustrating Him as a man who was rejected and hated by everyone. His life was filled with suffering and sorrow, but the sorrows He bore weren’t His own because they were ours. He was wounded, pierced, and crushed, all due to our sins. Our lives can be redeemed and made whole because of His suffering. Jesus endured all of this to forgive your sins. Whatever weight you carry, know that God will forgive you if you receive Him as your Savior. Nothing you’ve ever done is too wrong for Jesus to forgive.

If you’re considering suicide, it’s not too late to seek help. Call the national hotline at 1-800-273-8255, get yourself to a hospital, call 911 or alert someone in your apartment, home, workplace or wherever you are. Do whatever it takes to get help.

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