woman holding bible

What is God’s justice, and what makes it different from human justice? The nightly news has tons of stories about crimes executed against humanity. Details of criminal activity are shared in the local and world news, television, radio, social media and word of mouth. These reports bring anger and tears at times. So how are Christians supposed to handle justice, and what’s our responsibility?

Where does the Bible discuss God’s justice?

Scripture shares God’s commandments. God showed Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, and the Ark of the Covenant kept the stone tablets. Since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and defied God, their actions have had consequences. Those commandments are the rules for life, and each word is God-given.

The Old and New Testaments discuss God’s justice. In the Old Testament, Psalm 37:27-29 tells us to do good and turn away from evil because the Lord loves the just and won’t forsake the faithful. Meanwhile, wrongdoers will be destroyed, and the wicked’s children will die. The righteous will take over the land and live in it forever. In the New Testament, Romans 12:19 states that we shouldn’t take revenge because God’s wrath will take care of everything.

What does the Bible say about pursuing justice?

The Bible has several verses discussing judgment and justice that come from God. On earth, punishment is necessary when laws are broken, and harm is done. Still, the ultimate justice comes from God. Rules and regulations keep us safe, so we must follow them. When bad things happen, the justice system seeks justice through the court system, which can be flawed. However, if we remember that justice ultimately belongs to God, that can help guide us through worrying times.

The apostle Paul had strong thoughts on numerous topics. In 2 Corinthians, Paul says believers shouldn’t tie themselves with unbelievers, so does that mean justice for believers and non-believers should be different? No, according to God’s plan, justice is for all. If a believing or non-believing neighbor breaks the law, we can still love them, but not their actions. There are differing opinions in all walks of life. Unfortunately, some people are stuck in their ways and won’t try to understand or listen to another point of view.

However, others are open to other ways of thinking and discussing different ways of thinking. Believers can assist non-believers with learning about God. Showing non-believers God’s love through actions and words may be the thing that leads them to come to know God. Everyone is a sinner who can seek God’s forgiveness and cultivate a relationship with Him.

How have Christians pursued justice in the past?

Sadly, history is filled with terrible stories of people taking justice into their own hands. From lynchings to different kinds of murder, evil was and is still present in the actions of some people. When a crime happens to our loved ones, the need for swift justice might take over. Feelings run deep when the news shares crime reports. There are examples of people trying to take over a situation in the present and past. From cruel words to vile actions, there have been times when Christians tried to take justice into their hands. However, God wants us to care for and love each other, and we sometimes have to make more of an effort.

How can Christians work with others to get justice?

The journey to religious freedom has brought numerous conflicts worldwide. Sometimes, Christians travel to other areas of the world and country to assist with bringing justice. As missionaries travel to foreign lands, there are various necessary adjustments. For example, learning a new language, receiving medical updates, sleeping in dangerous locations, and eating new food are some things missionaries must endure.

Some groups might not be Christian, but there’s an opportunity to work with non-believers and display Christ’s love. Prayers, discussions, and simple ways of life could be different. However, as Christians seek justice in domestic and foreign lands, Christians can learn how to seek it from others, then apply what they’ve learned to their spiritual journeys.

How can we achieve justice today?

In modern times, there are several ways to help achieve justice. For example, knowing where the items we buy are sold and made can be a critical way of helping. From staying informed about local groups assisting others in search of justice to choosing to purchase items from people not involved in human trafficking or sweatshops are ways to get involved. It would help if you made yourself aware of injustices in the world and your local area. From exploitation of the homeless or poor to child and elder abuse, injustice is sinful, and we should not allow evil to prevail.

In some areas, nursing homes need advocates and volunteers. Elder abuse is a particular area that requires attention, while domestic violence shelters also need help. In your pursuit of justice, pray and ask God to show you different ways to help. Find other ways to find information and learn more about becoming involved. Maybe God is calling you to start a justice group in your church or community. Ask your local clergy for wisdom and other leaders who might have important information.

Will God get justice in the end?

God will get justice on Judgement Day when Jesus judges the dead and living, as stated in 2 Timothy 4:1. Romans 2:6 also reminds us that on Judgement Day, God will repay everyone according to their past actions. 2 Corinthians 5:10 reminds us that we will all appear before Christ on Judgement Day, so believers should take comfort in knowing that God will return. He is the creator, and His justice is final. Believers should also know that God has the final say, which He will give on Judgement Day.

Sadly, injustices will continue until Jesus returns. However, as we deal with those injustices, we can show our love for God to the world. We should remain one in spirit so that others will know Christians, and we should continue to pursue God’s justice over our own.

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