Over the past couple weeks, I’ve watched our nation split apart into corners of the boxing ring, both sides seemingly bloodthirsty for a fight. As a country, we’ve never been more at divisive odds with hurtful comments, sentiments and statements spewing from our keyboards, and even worse, out of our mouths. I am a Jesus-loving Believer and I also happen to have a gay sister, whom I love dearly, so I have found myself in the crux of this difficult and fragile controversy for the better part of 14 years. What this ever-present debate (with both sides sharing fault in behavior) has taught me, is something that has not been easy to swallow, but it is this: a lot of Christians have missed the mark on this issue. I know that seems like a harsh generalization and it certainly doesn’t represent all Christians of course, but I simply have just found it to be consistently true in my experience. With all the judgement and intolerance, I’ve realized that there is something terribly and fundamentally wrong within some churches and the attitude towards homosexuals. While I don’t have any magical answers, I have been seeking God’s wisdom for years and can provide a perspective to, hopefully, bridge the gap between Christians and homosexuals. My intention is not to defend/argue a position or discuss homosexuality—it’s about about human beings and how to best respond to them.