6 Dangers of Lazy Minded Christianity
Christianity to most people today may be associated with going to church on Sunday, making it out to mid-week service, or being known for always having a timely Scripture ready to go, but becoming a practicing Christian disciple is much more than this. A Christian ideology that is built on this type of thinking creates a culture where confidence is placed in the flesh instead of the Mighty Spirit of God. In vainglory, Christians risk foregoing true fellowship with God in order to project an image of outward spirituality.
Forming habits that are performance based creates a lazy minded spirit that lacks integrity in maintaining the spiritual disciplines: prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and fasting. The Apostle Paul says that we are to be transformed by renewing our mind with the Word of God. Scripture is life and truth. God’s Word holds transformational power that changes the mind and thus changes the lifestyle of the Christian walk. Let us not be lazy minded Christians and stay avoid these six dangers.