2024-05-07 2024-05-07

We know that satan is real because the Bible tells us so. In the Old Testament, satan is first mentioned in the book of Genesis which references the pre-sin world. The Bible tells us that the serpent was the most intelligent and cunning. Genesis 3:1 says, “Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.” This is the first appearance of satan in scripture. We are not made aware that the serpent is satan himself until Revelation 12:9.

We learn a great deal about satan through references from the prophets who equated human situations to things that the devil did or situations that happened to him in the spiritual world. One example is the reference of satan in the book of Isaiah. In Isaiah 14:12-15, the prophet mentions the king of Babylon who had become proud, believing that he had conquered the world by his strength. The prophet warns that God will bring him down until he repented, and the Father restored him. Isaiah is comparing what happened to the price on earth to what happened to the fallen prince of the heavens, Lucifer. He had become proud as the chief of angels but wanted to rise above God.

Many say that his sin was to disbelieve that God had created him and assume that he could rise above him and be first. Ultimately, it was satan’s sin of pride that caused his downfall from his top-ranked position into the pits of hell. Revelation 20:10 says, “And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” Hell was created specifically for him and all those who followed him.

As Christians, we are supposed to be on guard when it comes to satan’s advances. There is never a time we should underestimate what he’s capable of. The Bible says, “Be sober-minded; be watchful…Your adversary, the devil, prowls like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” In comparison, the devil desires to be all-powerful. God is omnipotent solely. Once Jesus came into the world, satan did everything in his power to keep the Lord from fulfilling the Will of God. Even though satan is actively present at work attempting to sabotage our lives, he is not as strong as God. We should be present to work the satan so we don’t fall off during our faith walk.

We must be cognizant of the satanic strongholds that take hold of us each day. One of these tools is discouragement. Satan uses this very weapon to attack up. When we are doubtful, it gives way to dismay. Satan uses this weapon more than any other weapon so that we become lost in our faith. When satan is attempting to destroy your life, God rises above that. He brings hope amid our despair.

We know that satan is real because of the realities of evil around us, not just with the things going on in the world but also the things that are taking place in our own lives. Satan will try to undermine your walk with God. He also wants you to question the goodness of God. Satan would love to see you jobless and joyless. He wants you to deny God. Satan will go to extremes to see your fail. This is why it’s imperative to count your blessings one by one.

If you are discouraged on your faith walk, God speaks directly to you through God’s Word. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” The Bible challenges us to move past our anxious thoughts. Another thing scripture does is bring light and life to our situations. All believers will deal with battles or struggles in this world. We can get through any challenge we face in life through prayer, communication, and trust in God.

Another way to push back at satan is to turn to God and give him thanks continuously. If you are facing trouble right now, that is ok. Jesus tells you will, and He understands just what you’re going through. There is a purpose to the discouragement you face. Jesus will put joy before you, and those promises are real. The devil may be real, but He can’t take that away from you.

Satan is lurking around, attempting to pull you away from the people you care about the most. This can show up in situations where they are insensitive to you. Satan will try to ensure that their words will leave you wounded and bleeding. This will break you down the most. He also wants to keep you from anyone that may uplift you. We have to be aware of satan’s advances so we can rise above them.

We can be assured with all confidence that satan is real. But God is greater. We can look at Jesus’ death on the cross. Ultimately, Jesus triumphed over satan and all the forces of evil. He defeated the enemy’s demonic spirits during His earthly ministry and is still doing the same today. Jesus was able to break down satan’s power. Ultimately, Jesus’ victory gave us the power to overcome the same evil that attempts to destroy us. Satan will use every ounce of his abilities to break you down. Thankfully, God loves us so much that He wants to uplift us. All you need to do is trust in the power of God daily. There is nothing we can’t do with the power of God.

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