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Grieving after a death, especially after the death of a parent, can shatter your world in ways you can’t explain. Even years after, you might not be able to process all the sorrow and pain the death has brought into your world. Talking things out and going to therapy may help somewhat, but the wounds take time to heal. You might not want to face the day, get out of bed, or even live anymore and hit rock bottom.

The good news is that God doesn’t leave us alone in the darkness. He brings us out of the dark depths and puts our feet on solid ground, as detailed in Psalm 40:2. This sentiment is true for everyone. God will bring you out of the darkness and put your feet on solid ground, a ground covered in green pastures and flowers. In doing so, He has a way of changing us more into the image of Christ. Here are some ways that God changes us in our lowest points.

He gives us a renewed mind.

God typically uses our lowest points to cause us to create a renewed mind. While grieving after a death, something you might notice is God renewing your mind in different ways. This renewal might push you to something you previously didn’t consider. Without that push, you may not have become the person you were meant to be. Thankfully, God doesn’t allow our pain to be in vain. Even on our toughest days and in the most unforeseen circumstances, God is turning our pain into something our pain into something beautiful. He’s working all things out for our good, even if it might be painful at the time, as outlined in Romans 8:28.

He gives us a new outlook on life.

In addition to renewing our minds, God is known to change us at our lowest points by giving us a fresh outlook on life. Consider the last time you were recovering from surgery or sick; you likely thought about all the things you wanted to do when you got better. This is similar to how God changes us during our lowest points. At your lowest point, you may finally see the desire to want to live, specifically for God. You recognize how fleeting life is and how quickly it can be over. While it’s true that you’ll spend a lot of time isolating, after some time, you finally emerge from that dark place with God’s help, which was done by God, healing your heart with a new perspective on the future and life.

Things may be different, but God still has you on this earth for a reason. Our lowest points seem to be when we truly have the desire to get off the ground and walk into the sunlight. None of us want to stay locked in a depressive state forever. We want to live, and God brings this into our hearts when we hit our lowest point.

He’s reliable and trustworthy.

Through our tragic times and lowest points, God has a way of bringing us closer to Him. Whenever things get depressing and challenging, we typically turn to God more. The deep sorrow and sadness we feel allow us to run to Him. We know that we can always go to Him, even at our lowest moments. As we run to Him more and more, we start to develop stronger reliance and trust in Him. Instead of doubting Him, we trust Him. Rock bottom isn’t pleasant, but it’s when we’ll see the most growth in our Christian walk. This is because we’ll turn to God, give our feelings to Him in prayer, and completely rely on Him.

He may not fix our struggles immediately, but He’s good and can be trusted. Our lowest points in life don’t have to happen in vain. We can learn about God during these times, let Him change us, and rely on Him. The Father is always working to mold us into the image of His Son, and most of the time, this occurs through the most challenging circumstances.

He encourages us to develop empathy.

Empathy is something that people typically overlook. Sometimes, it seems like some people have empathy and others don’t. Hitting our lowest points has a way of ensuring that we develop empathy for others. Instead of taking an unsympathetic approach to things, we’ll start to meet others where they are. Since we’ve already hit some of our lowest points, we can understand other people’s feelings and emotions. We don’t treat them with a judgmental attitude, nor do we invalidate them. God changes us in this way after we have our lowest moments.

Many of life’s greatest lessons come from challenging times. When everything is going well, most of us don’t look to God. However, when things get bad, we cry out to Him. Through these dark times, God teaches us about His love, Him, and the love we need to have for others, and part of loving others is developing empathy.

He brings light out of the darkness.

Our lowest points are typically our darkest days. We might feel alone in the darkness, but God is our brightest light. Through our lowest points, God helps us see that He’s the One who delivers us. The transformative work of God ensures that we become aware of His light and saving grace. We won’t look to the things of the world to save us, only to God. As He brings light out of darkness during our lowest points, we should reflect on His goodness. He could’ve left us in the darkness, but He chose to lift us due to His love for us.

God’s love for us far extends any love we’ve ever known. His love can’t be contained, and His righteousness also covers the sky. From His love for us, He’ll preserve our hearts and souls. The darkness will be encompassed by light. Our lowest points don’t have to break us because God will use them to help us transform into the people we’re meant to be.

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