One essential way to connect with God is through critical analysis of His Word. One way to do this is through understanding and breaking down His use of Biblical numbers. There are connections and patterns throughout the Bible, and by researching them we see deeper meanings. The patterns do not exist by chance, but are specific to God’s design. Each has a specific symbolism attached. Here are the sacred codes and significant numbers in the Bible.
Number One
The number one is used frequently throughout the Bible. Most notably, it refers to God Himself as being the “one true God” with only one of Him. The first commandment echoes this, saying “thou shalt have no other gods besides Me” and again in Deuteronomy 6:4 which says “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one.”
God is also one with us. Instead of being two separate entities, God is always by our side and in our hearts. Whenever someone is alone in the wilderness in the Bible, whether it is Moses, or Elijah, or Jesus, they are not really alone. Rather they are closest they may ever be to the one true God than at that moment.
Number Two
Two is the symbol of unity in the Bible. For example, the man and the women became one flesh in Genesis 1:27. Animals were sacrificed in twos throughout the Old Testament, and the disciples and the apostles were sent out in twos (Matthew 6:7). This is God’s way of saying two people can be united together to share a common bond.
Number 22
The number 22 has a much more mathematical approach in the Bible. It is believe that the perfect shape is the circle, because it has no corners. Twenty two divided by seven is a good approximation of pi, or the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. From the first epistle to the end of the Bible holds 22 books, which can tie in with what is known as the Canon Wheel. The Bible can be divided into three sections of 22 books each. The first is comprised of Genesis to the Song of Solomon, the second from Isaiah to Acts, and the third from Romans to Revelation. The first may be thought of as representative of the Father, the second of the Son, and the third of the Spirit.
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Revelation ends the whole Bible on a 22nd chapter. If the patriarchs’ ages, as given in the Bible, are added up, then Abraham’s birth year was 2167 BC. From then to the death year of Jesus, 33 AD, is 2200 years precisely. Jesus quotes the opening of Psalm 22 while in agony on the cross, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” The chronology of men from Adam to Jacob totals 22 names. Jeroboam reigned for 22 years.
Number 12
The number 12 means end and foundation. There were 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles, and the Tree of Life gives 12 kinds of fruit. The city of Jerusalem has different parameters that are equal to number 12: 12 gates and 12 precious stones at the basement. Daniel is also concerned with the time of the end, and Daniel has 12 chapters. Daniel 12:12 states, “Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.” 1 plus 3 plus 3 plus 5 equals 12.
Number 40
The number 40 in the Bible symbolizes completion. You can see this number in the Bible for 146 times. In Hebraic culture the number 40 is connected to the trial and testing of any kind. The Israelite slavery continued for 400 years and then was forced to wander for 40 years through the Sinai. Moses was 40 days on Mount Sinai receiving God’s Law. Later one Elijah spent 40 days on the same mountain worshiping God.
There are references to “40 days and 40 nights” throughout the Bible. The most notable are the 40 days and nights of rainfall that caused the Flood of Noah. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness before being tempted by Satan. Jesus remained on Earth for 40 days after his Resurrection, appearing to the Apostles and teaching them, before ascending to Heaven.
Number Four
Four indicates completeness and integrity. Of the 12 tribes of Israel, Jesus’ lineage is traced back to Judah, the fourth tribe. There are four major writing prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. There are four horsemen of the Apocalypse. There are 4 angels standing ready at the four corners of Earth. There are four Gospels, four living beasts in Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation.
There are four points of the Cross, which is more significant than you might think, since the typical cross of the time was either a single, vertical pole, called a crux simplex, or a Tau cross, named after the capital Greek T. The lowercase “t” was unnecessary unless something needed to be added above the head of the condemned, and such placards were only needed for the executions of celebrated people.
Number Six and Seven
The Bible uses the number six to indicate imperfection, while the number seven is considered the perfect number. The work week is six days long, but it is missing something until God decided to set aside another day for rest. The most well-known number in the Bible is 666, which symbolizes Satan. The Holy Trinity, however, is 777 because it is seen as a perfect trinity. God is said in Revelation to have seven Spirits, depicted as seven lamp stands. The first statement of the Old Testament consists of seven words.
There are many numbers found throughout the Bible, and they each have a specific symbolism to them. God purposefully wrote the Bible to feature these numbers, and by studying them we can understand His writing on a deeper level.