The first, most important invitation a woman can accept is Christ’s invitation to forgiveness. A woman cannot grow in holiness unless and until she recognizes and embraces the forgiveness offered to her at the foot of the Cross. Forgiveness is the precious gift Jesus freely gives every woman that is often left unopened when a woman does not truly believe in her own worthiness of such a gift. A woman sometimes believes she has to earn this priceless offering—yet it can’t be earned. It is intended for all, regardless of the state of their soul.
Freely given it should also be freely accepted. Without accepting the forgiveness of Christ, a woman will never fully be all that she is intended to be. Equally important is the forgiveness she needs to give to others; for it is often unforgiveness that holds a woman back from knowing true joy in her life. Unforgiveness is a tool that the evil one always uses to his advantage. A woman should never choose to give such a fruitful gift as an unforgiving heart to the devil for him to use against her. Accepting Christ’s forgiveness and extending it to others is an invitation that every woman needs to accept to be fully alive in the spirit.