2024-09-10 2024-09-10

Most people wouldn’t be where they are if they hadn’t recognized God’s voice and listened to Him speaking to them. While the Lord has several ways of speaking to His people, some people have had the wonderful experience of hearing Him speak to them loud and clear, as it’s their testimony. For example, imagine being a single mom for 17 years and surrendering your dating life to God, praying for Him to bring you a godly man. Months later, you meet a man in a small group at church. You dated for several months but decided to cut things off. However, he convinced you to go to church with him, and you heard God speaking to your heart. That night, you rededicated your life to the Lord.

As you and your date sat in the car talking until the parking lot emptied, you remember hearing God say, “You asked for a godly man, and I gave him to you. Now, rededicate yourself to this relationship as well.” You and your date married five months later. None of that would’ve been possible if you didn’t listen to God’s voice.

How does God speak to us?

Christ speaks to every Christian in a way that will get their attention. It may not be a clear voice, which you might’ve heard several times, although you pray to open yourself to God’s will, then look for signs God is speaking to you throughout your day. God is multi-dimensional and uses every sense to reach us. The Bible is called “God’s Word,” so what better place is there for Him to speak to us? We have to read our Bible to receive His guidance through the Scriptures. We’ve all had the experience of reading a specific verse that we’ve read several times, and then suddenly, it jumps out at us in an “eureka” moment, speaking directly to our current situation. Here are some ways to know that God is speaking to you.


In the middle of mundane life schedules, God will present Himself in various ways to confirm that, yes, it’s Him speaking to You, answering your prayers, giving you new ideas, and initiating an action He wants you to take. Some people experience this when thinking of a new book to read. They see that topic, and suddenly, they see it in conversations, on the news, or their pastor preaches about it on Sunday. For example, you may hear God calling you to “feed your sheep” and wonder what He means. That Sunday, your pastor preaches about John 21:15- 17, where Jesus told Peter to feed His sheep if he loved Him. You feel shocked and acknowledge there’s no denying that God was speaking to you and confirming that He expected you to do something you didn’t feel ready to accomplish. God will confirm and speak what He wants you to do if you’re seeking Him in your daily ambitions and activities.


We meet God during times of prayer, worship and praise as we sense His voice and presence. When we glorify God, we can hear Him clearly as our mind, heart, spirit, and soul commune with Him. When we’re dealing with extreme adversity or going through hardship, we typically feel the need to talk to God and pray intensely. We’re more aware of His response. When we’re seeking answers to significant life circumstances or decisions, we’re focused on hearing from Him, so we seek His face with intent and persistence, and He doesn’t disappoint.

Visible conditions.

When you see things in your life that could only be God, He’s trying to get your attention and speaking to you in ways you can’t refuse. The Holy Spirit is opening doors of chance and closing those that no longer suit you. People and situations come into your life, and you know without a doubt that God orchestrated the circumstances because it’s no coincidence. It’s God visibly showing and telling you that He cares and will lead and guide your life if you let Him and listen. He might be directing you beyond your needs and interests and showing you how He wants you to represent Him in a society that frantically needs Jesus. It’s not always about us. It’s typically about using us to fulfill His plans and purpose in the world.


Perhaps you’ve been hesitant to do or say something you sense God wants you to do, avoiding the issue and putting it in the back of your mind. Then, suddenly, you know that you must take action, and you take it. The courage didn’t come from your initiation. God spoke through and to you, and you couldn’t be silent. He pressed you, giving you the words to speak that could only be from Him at the right time and the understanding of His voice that calms and assures you that He’s right beside you.

Trust the Holy Spirit.

Most people typically avoid arguing with the Holy Spirit, but some do. A thought may come into their mind that they’re not sure they want to do or are capable of doing, so they forget about it. Perhaps it’s as simple as thinking they should call someone, but they dismiss the thought due to their busy schedule. Then, they find out later the person was in a needy situation. They realized they were arguing with the Holy Spirit, who only wanted to show signs of God speaking to them and prompting them to put everything aside and make the phone call. When they follow their hearts, they’re assured by the other person’s grateful response that they are indeed hearing from God.

If the voice is leading you to spiritual fruitfulness, then it’s likely God speaking. However, if it doesn’t and leads you to doubt, fear, and anxiety, then it isn’t God. It’s a voice from another source. Knowing the difference will enhance our hearing and keep our minds and hearts at peace.

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