6. I Don’t Dare Follow My Heart
If your heart is telling you not to do something – then you’d better listen! Pay attention to that still, small voice deep inside you that urges you not to do those things that you shouldn’t be doing. Suck it up! Be grateful that you know the difference between right and wrong. So, do the right thing! If you let your whims, your friends, your emotions control you, you will never feel satisfied. Your deepest longing, believe it or not, is knowing God’s love for you. He will give you the desires of your heart – and help you line them up with His plan for you. And His plan is marvelous. It is beyond your greatest hopes and dreams. If you goof up and make the wrong decisions, God will love you no more and no less. He may let you suffer the consequences of your bad choices … and will gently ease those consequences when you call out for His help and forgiveness. But doing the right thing always benefits you! You cannot gain His love by doing the right thing. No, His love for you is freely given. He loves you no matter what! But He knows what is best for you. So, listen!