Lord, can we talk?
“We can be confident that God breaks us in all the right places,” writes Mulholland. “We are unusable to Him until we are broken of our own will and then rebuilt up by Him to be used for his will, and purposes. Being broken by God can be confusing, so we can then pray: Thank You, Jehovah, for the wonderful, mystical way You teach Your children. Thank You for the brokenness in my life. Most people think that to be broken is a bad thing, but You, God, break us in the right places, at the right time. Brokenness is to be tamed in spirit, and reduced to submission. We are an independent people, independent from You God, and we all need to know that we are incomplete without You at the reins in our lives. Being broken by You is hard for us when we look at it from the wrong point of view. We have to remember that You only have our best interest in mind, and that without You we can do nothing successfully. We can be broken from unhealthy living or unsafe actions. But in reality, we want to believe that if we try hard enough we can handle our own lives, refusing to let You in. We need You to guide us spiritually, physically, and emotionally. You protect us from harm, and without us considering Your ways, we live unfulfilled, frustrated lives. Like anything, when we are broken by You, Jehovah, it is hard to have a good attitude, because we may not understand, or we cannot figure out the how, and what You are doing in our lives. It can be frustrating because in those times, things seem to go wrong. Help me to remember that You are trying to teach us new attitudes, and new thought processes, and how, especially, to treat others well. Please help me to recognize when I am being broken in the right places, for the right reasons. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”