Make Your Worship Purposeful
Everyone has something where they are just going through the motions. They act without thought and purely out of habit. Sometimes, this can happen to Christians with their worship. You may say your prayers, but how much do you really pay attention to the words? Are you really thankful for your food, or are you just saying a prayer of thanks because you are supposed to before dinner? Are you really begging God for protection from evil or are you just saying the prayer out of habit?
To reinvigorate your faith, make your worship purposeful. Refocus on the meaning behind prayers even ones you have said a thousand times. Think about it. When was the last time you really considered what the “Our Father” meant? Similarly, make sure that when you go to church, you are focused solely on your worship. Do not crane your neck to see where your friends are in the congregation or tune out during a sermon. Stop imagining what you are going to have for brunch after church. While you are in church physically, be there mentally as well.