Don't Eat Gyros As Your "Pre-Dawn Snack"
I was working an overnight shift in the ER during my residency, and it was Ramadan. The attending physician offered to buy us all Greek food, and I obliged. My intention was to have a little and save the rest for dinner the next night (after sunset). But, when I got the food and beheld the luscious smell of the gyros platter...I could not resist. I had the whole thing (before dawn, of course). It was awesome; it tasted fantastic; I really enjoyed eating it...
Until the heartburn set in a few hours later...after I had to stop eating. And so, I had to round in the hospital the next day, sleepy from the previous ER shift, and suffering from heart burn up to my ears, with no ability to relieve it. I still remember that feeling all these years later. Don't do that to yourself.
Nothing against's one of my favorite foods of all time. But, no one should "snack" on a gyros platter before fasting. It is a very, very bad idea.
Update: there is one other food item that should not be a pre-dawn snack: a large order of Schezwan Beef...