Maccabeus: Unfortunately, supersessionism is written into the text. We fundamentalists really do not have the option of doing away with it.
Foust77: The Basketball player didn't have to say what he said; I don't think he's anti-Semitic, just stupid for saying it in front of an unbelieving reporter. In case anybody cares, the NT explicitly reports that Jews demanded Jesus' death, making them morally if not legally responsible. No, that dosen't mean all Jews since are guilty. They aren't.
Presby: Inter-Faith relations is a difficult issue. One made even harder by the misguided, ham-handed attempts of evangelicals to witness to Jews. And one that I am trying to find a way to live out in my own life. Heck, I don't even like it when another xtian tries to evangelize me! I have my relationship with God, with all of its struggles and strengths. I can't imagine (and won't condescend by trying) how the Jews must feel about it. I believe that common ground is possible. But I admit, I honestly don't know how.
shaner: We should all, as Christians, embrace out brethren in Judaism and do what other church leaders have done; embraced them and apologized to them for the omissions we have caused them.. As Christians we are to follow the teachings of Jesus and love one another, something that we should all strive for, whatever faith one practices. Amen to those church leaders who have already embraced and apologized, that's what Our Lord would expect of us.
NadjaOfNewark: *Every* religion has beliefs about non-members that would offend the non-members if they heard them. Most people have the sense to avoid putting themselves in the position of hearing those views.. This is much ado about nothing, and people should just get over it.
tiCCCunOlum1: Those who are knowledgeable about the history of ancient Jewish Christian relations are aware of the reasons for the anti-Jewish polemic in the New Testament. Unfortunately few Christian laymen have any useful knowledge of that history. We can't blame innocents for their lack of knowledge. We can blame religious scholars for not getting information to the guy in the pew. This is the most pressing task of the Christian side of Jewish Christian relations today.
DougE: The most offensive belief Christians profess is that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. If Christians were to eliminate that belief on the grounds that it is offensive to Jews, the Christianity would altogether cease to exist.
JaanK: Should we not preach parts of the bible that might offend Jews? The only way we would not offend them is to throw away the whole New Testament. John warns us not to take away nor add to the scriptures, or else blessings will be taken away from us, and curses will be added to us.
rationalist: As a Christian, I believe Jesus to be the gateway for gentiles. The Jewish people, however, have their ancient covenant. It is fine to evangelize and disciple people, but wrong to be obnoxious and insensitive in the process.
pastorgirl: I think it's quite clear from the NT who killed Jesus- I did. And so did you. He died because of our sin, our rejection of his rightful rule in our lives. We rejected him daily as we choose our own agenda, our own plans and purposes, over God's. Pointing fingers at Jews or Romans is at best foolishness.