
  • Conversion to Judaism Resource Center
    Information and advice for people considering conversion to Judaism. Includes "Find a Rabbi" to help people find rabbis who are interested in helping potential converts and many other conversion resources.

  • National Jewish Outreach Program
    Founded by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald to combat assimilation and intermarriage. Reaches out to unaffiliated Jews through Hebrew and basic Judaism courses. Claims to have involved about 650,000 unaffiliated Jews in Jewish life.

  • Jewish Outreach Institute
    Goal is to help the Jewish community embrace all members of interfaith families into Jewish life. Site includes schedules of events and publications, including "Choosing Judaism: An Opportunity for Everyone"."

  • UAHC Department of Outreach
    The Reform movement's outreach program seeks to welcome those investigating Judaism and fully integrate Jews-by-choice into the community. Includes classes, publications, other resources, and a series of first-person perspectives on becoming a Jew.

  • National Center to Encourage Judaism
    A nonprofit that encourages conversion to and retention in Judaism. Gives grants for outreach to synagogues and publishes a newsletter, The Proclaimer.

  • Choose Judaism
    A website for people interested in Judaism or in interfaith relationships. Provides a guide to Jewish conversion and Judaism basics.

    Related Articles

  • Opening the Gates of the Jewish Community
    An article from Conservative Judaism magazine considering Gary Tobin's book "Opening the Gates: How Proactive Conversion Can Revitalize the Community."

  • Keruv, Conversion, and the Unchurched
    Outreach sermon by Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis. Rabbi Schulweis, of Temple Valley Beth Sholom, Encino, CA, gave a series of Keruv (outreach) lectures encouraging Jewish proselytizing. The other lectures are also available on the synagogue website.

  • Proactive Conversion as Outreach
    Article by Gary Tobin explaining the need for outreach. He has also published a similar article, The Case for Proactive Conversion in Shma.
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