Verses of Song
Moving out of assiyah, we move into a part of the service called Pesukei d’Zimra, or Verses of Song, which arouse our emotions and bring us to a higher realm, known to kabbalists as yetzirah. We enter with numerous repetitions of baruch - blessing - and it’s a time of, or should be a time of, exuberant praise. If you sense a lack of joy, find another synagogue! This part of the service also abounds with hodu! (Thank!) and halleluyah (Praise Yah!), and Ashrei (Happy!). Most traditional synagogues do not use musical instruments, even though our central song in Pesukei cries out to praise God with the harp and lyre and drum and cymbals and dance. You might, however, discover joy and beauty both in services that use instruments and those that do not.