Prayer in the Face of Complications After Surgery
It’s important that you not only pray before surgery, but also after your surgery. Thank God for the blessings He’s provided, including medical services and assistance through the surgery process. Remember, God is with you every step of the recovery process. He has the power to protect your wounds from infection, heal and restore damaged or bruised areas and bring you peace and rest. If you’re dealing with complications after surgery, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, my surgery has not proceeded as planned. As I endure unanticipated complications, treatments and setbacks, I face a new and difficult set of decisions on my journey toward wholeness and healing. The path which once seemed so clear is suddenly more dangerous, and my fears have returned. Bless my doctors with wisdom and skill, with compassion, focus and dedication, as we work to overcome this challenge. Bless my family with ease and comfort. Give us energy and endurance, tranquility and peace. Remind them to care for themselves and each other, even as their hearts and prayers turn to me. Amen.