One of the great things about praying is that it reflects the heart of God. A woman’s strength and beauty root her in Christ’s character. As she commits to God’s ways, she holds close to His promises. Deuteronomy 11:18 tells us, “Commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders.” A woman who prays is prepared with the Word of God. She will go into daily battles for herself and those around her – friends, family, co-workers, and church members. She puts on the full armor of God so that she can resist the enemy’s forces against those she loves. Whether you are a prayerful woman, or a woman looking to increase your prayer life, these seven prayers will transform your prayer life.
A prayer for clear direction in life.
There will be days when you feel like you need the strength that only God can provide. Some days, the situations we face in our family life, work-life, and personal life can feel overwhelming. In these moments, we must remember that God is the number one healer and can lead us to a breakthrough. When you place your heart, trust, and focus on God completely, He can guide your path and help you proclaim victory. The primary way that God provides direction in our life is through His Word. The Bible tells us, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). The Lord will stand beside you every step of the way. If you are ready for God to provide direction in your life, pray this prayer: Dear God, as I wake up today, I pray that You give me strength and direction. Please pilot my life and give me the wisdom that will reveal the path I need to take. May Your shield defend me, and Your hands protect me. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
A prayer for emotional strength.
We will go through life experiencing a roller coaster of emotions. There will be highs and lows, and we will consistently call on God for emotional strength. It’s helpful to remember that God has worked to defeat satan, sin, and death through Jesus Christ. If God has this kind of power, you don’t think He can bring you through the emotional battle you’re facing right now? If you are ready for God to heal you emotionally and give you strength, pray this prayer: Dear God, I ask that You strengthen my mind, body, and spirit right now. Please renew me from the inside out. I feel broken, so I ask You to restore me. I want to walk alongside You in total confidence that You are with me through my emotional ups and downs. I know You have the power to make all things new. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
A prayer for God to take control of your life.
As women, we are used to managing the household. We hold things down at home, sometimes while managing our work and personal lives. This may mean keeping busy schedules in order, prepping meals, and getting homework and projects completed. The truth is, if we want to hold our lives together, we have to let God lead. He has to be in control. If you want God in the driver’s seat of your life, you have to let Jesus control your steps. This happens when you surrender to Him. If you are ready to let go and allow God to lead, say this prayer: Dear God, I surrender everything to you – my fear, my need for control, my emotions. There are times when I choose fear over faith, and I’m ready to change my ways. Keep me close to You, and when You see that I’m falling off course, please give me strength. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
A prayer to strengthen our families.
Our families are the most important people in our lives, and we must call on God to protect them from all harm. We know that they will face battles every day. Some of these battles will scare us to death, but we can find comfort knowing that God is watching over them. God will give your family strength in the face of difficulties and adversity. He also will keep your family grounded when the world tries to pull our families apart. If you are looking for a prayer to strengthen your family, pray this prayer: Dear God, thank You for my family. Today, I call on You to fill my family with strength and peace. Guide them so that their days run smoothly and their lives are touched in a transformative way. Reveal Yourself to them in their strong and weak moments. Let down any barriers that separate us and bring us closer together. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
A prayer for God’s assistance.
When you are looking for God’s assistance, the best thing you can ask Him is for direction and protection. Remember, God is here to direct our paths for good. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” If you need God’s assistance today, pray this prayer: Dear God, I want to say thank You for keeping me protected. I also thank You for your direction and guidance. You picked me up when I was at my lowest point. You are an incredible God. It is because of You that I choose to walk with You and let You assist me daily. When I am weak, help me to better trust You. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
A prayer to strengthen our friendships.
We know the importance of praying for our families, but it is just important that we pray over our friendships. We should pray that our friendships are continuously strengthened and nourished. There are times when we get so busy that we forget or are unable to stay connected. We may not know the challenges our friends face right now, but we know that God does. He can hear our silent prayers. These are the prayers of our hearts. If you want to pray to strengthen your friendships, pray this prayer: Dear God, I pray over my friendships today, each one of them. I know that my friends are facing various trials, and their strength is faltering. Thankfully, You have the strength that they need to get through today. Reach down and touch them in a special way. I also call on You to strengthen my friendships. When I can’t connect with my friends, please help them to see that they still matter to me. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
A prayer to face life’s toughest challenges.
God can equip us to take on the biggest challenges we may face. The Bible tells us, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose” (Philippians 2:13). God will give us the strength when the chips our down and give us the power we need to get through our toughest challenges. God’s power will renew our strength. If you are feeling powerless in your current situation, know that God can change that. If you need God to help you with a tough situation you’re dealing with, pray this prayer: Dear God, I pray that Your strength renews me today. Give me the encouragement I need to take on the tough situations I’m facing this week. Help me to shift from a state of powerlessness to a state of full control. I am ready to get back on my feet and run the race you have set before me. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
A praying woman can make an incredible difference in the lives of those she loves. She enlightens, encourages, and edifies others. Today, allow God to dominate your heart, not fear. God is ready to lead you and guide you through any circumstances you face. Nothing is too big or small for Him to handle.