There is no doubt that our lives are busy and our endless list of tasks can make things even more complicated. Wouldn’t it be great if life was simple and uninterrupted by the chaos around us. Unfortunately, this isn’t the easiest task, often as a result of our jobs, families, relationships and activities we’re involved in daily. While our lives are complicated, that doesn’t mean that our prayers have to be. There are simple prayers you can lift up today that can help reduce spiritual clutter and bring you closer to God. Simple by definition means to “easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.” The prayers you lift up don’t have to be hard to come up with. One of the best ways to say your prayers is for you to express what you’re naturally feeling. Here are seven simple prayers from the heart.
A Prayer to Be Grateful

God is the number one provider and is aware of your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. It is His delight to provide you with love and guidance. When we are going through a time of need, we should call on God. Bring Him your burdens. He knows your situation. We can’t make it without Him. Call on Him to comfort your heart and give you strength. By seeking Him first, we are able to discern God’s direction, and He will be glorified as He provides for us and directs us according to His Will. If you are ready to honor these truths as you seek His glory, begin with this prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, help me to be grateful for what I have, to remember that I don’t need most of what I want, and that joy is found in simplicity and generosity. Amen.
A Prayer to Release Control

God is powerful, yet peaceful. He is able to calm the storms in your life, you just have to believe that He is capable. When your gaze is focused on the God who created the ocean, the God who governs the world will guide you in the uncertainties of the future. If you just pay attention to the strength of the sea and the waves, the troubles you face will diminish. The trials that distress you, all the difficulties that seem like mountains and all the shadows that darken the joy in your heart cannot possibly be too hard for God. If you are ready today to seek to keep your heart at peace, begin with this prayer: Heavenly Father, I give to You all the problems and cares I face. Take complete control, just as You do of the ocean. And send me a great calm. Amen.
A Prayer to Trust God’s Power

Are you facing an obstacle today? What impossibility is lurking in your life? If you’ve committed your soul to Him, He will keep it for you. If you’ve committed your faith to Him, He will protect it and help it to grow because He is able. It can be particularly hard to follow God at times in our lives when our trust is weak. But remember, God is able to move mountains and give you the strength to climb them. Commit to Him and ask for His power to be shown. If you are ready to do this, begin with this prayer: Dear God, I thank You that You are able to do much, much more than I can even ask or think. I rest in Your power, and as I yield to Your will, I know You will work in me what You desire. Amen.
A Prayer to Cling to God

Life isn’t always easy and the things that are going on around us remind us how much we need God’s abiding presence. When we struggle to understand what’s going on in our personal lives or the world around us, we can seek His face, by prayer and reading His word. God bring us the peace and courage we so desperately need in our lives. If you are facing a painful experience, look around you and find reasons to praise God for His goodness, even in the pain. You can reflect on God’s goodness with this powerful prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being good and for blessing my life with good. Even when bad things happen, I know that You are good and You do good. I cling to You, and pray that You will continue to perform in me that which is good, for Your glory. Amen.
A Prayer to Follow the Light of God

It can be hard to see light in a dark when the world seems so dark around us, but we who have seen God’s light and felt it shining into our hearts are called to let others know about the light. Are there any shadowy places in your heart? As followers of Jesus, we are also responsible to tell other people what Jesus can do, and about the light that brings life and cleansing to lives clouded by sin. How are you reflecting God’s light to others? If you want to share His light with others, begin with this prayer: Dear Lord, today may I be a faithful light that points the way to You, the true light of the world. Amen.
A Prayer For Strength

We all face daily challenges. Sometimes we deal with seemingly insurmountable problems. It’s important that we recognize that no matter the situation, God can either change it or help you through it. God is omnipotent, meaning He is all powerful and able to do whatever He wills. There is nothing too hard for God. Are you facing a mountain that looks like it can’t be climbed? In what ways can you feel and know God’s power to help in this situation? If you are thankful for God’s omnipotence, prayer this prayer: Thank You, God, for showing me Your awesome power. From day to day, I stand in awe at all You are, at all that You do. May I trust in Your power to give me strength for all I will face today. Amen.
A Prayer to Recognize God's Active Presence

God is omnipresent, meaning He is present everywhere. When Scripture speaks of God as omnipresent, it is not communicating that He is physically distributed throughout the universe, but that He is simultaneously present, with all His fullness, to every part of creation. This isn’t to say that God’s form is spread out so that parts of Him exist in every location. God is spirit. He has no physical form. He is present everywhere in that everywhere is immediately in His presence. At the same time, He is present everywhere in the universe. No one can hide from Him and nothing escapes His notice. Knowing God is everywhere shouldn’t bring you terror but peace. Thank God for His active presence in your life with this prayer: Dear Father, thank You for being everywhere. Thank You for never leaving me to journey alone. Teach me to live in awe of You so that I do not willfully sin. Keep my heart at peace so that I may find comfort in Your presence. Amen.
Saying these simple prayers can help you to feel more balanced, joyed and free. In today’s world, it is easy to complicate our lives with many things and doubt His power. However, there is no need for you to feel like there is anything in your life that God can’t handle and help you through. Always remember that God is omnipotent, omnipresent and active in all areas of your life. Allow these simple heart prayers to eliminate stress and help you to find rest in God.