
Prayer for a Woman Who Has Had a Miscarriage

O God of love, source of life,
hear our prayers for _____.
Her baby died before it ever came to birth.
The blessing of your love
was torn from her body,
leaving her empty and devastated.
Comfort her now in her sorrow.
Restore her hope for a child to come.
Give her courage and new delight
in the days ahead.
In good time, grant her a new life
that her soul may rejoice
and her body give birth;
in Christ's name we pray. Amen.

--Vienna Cobb Anderson

Source: Adapted from "Prayers of Our Hearts" © 1991 Vienna Cobb Anderson. Reprinted with the permission of the author.

Prayer to Heal the Pain of Infertility

Dear Lord, the pain of infertility is so deep. All of our lives, we dream of being mothers, of raising children with loving hearts to do your will on this earth. Month after month when that dream does not come true, it so painful, Lord. We feel like our dreams die each month with empty arms. Please guide us to trust in your plan for us. We desperately need you in our lives. Thank you for all the blessings we do have, knowing through you all things are possible. Amen.

--Beliefnet member juls0621

Source: Beliefnet prayer circle

St. David's Infertility Prayer

Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings in my life. Help me to remember them as I face the challenges of infertility. I pray that I can surrender myself into your hands. Let me accept the reality of this situation and have the wisdom and courage to take action where I can. Strengthen my body, mind and spirit to endure the trials of infertility. Keep me ever mindful of the needs of others and grant us your peace. Amen.

Source: Hannah's Prayer Ministries

Prayer After Miscarriage or Stillbirth

God, we are weary and grieved. We were anticipating the birth of a child, but the promise of life was ended too soon. Our arms yearned to cradle new life, our mouths to sing soft lullabies. Our hearts ache from the emptiness and the silence. We are saddened and we are angry. We weep and we mourn. Weep with us, God, Creator of Life, for the life that could not be.

Source of healing, help us to find healing among those who care for us and those for whom we care. Shelter us under wings of love and help us to stand up again for life even as we mourn our loss.

--Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, from Lifecycles: Jewish Women on Life Passages and Personal Milestones  

In the Face of Fertility Challenges

Lord, help me to know that You are enough. Take my eyes off of myself. Take my eyes off of the child I desire. Help me to delight myself in You. Mold the desires of my heart to be in line with Your will. I don't want to need to be a mother more than I need to be your humble, obedient child. I don't want wanting to have a baby to be a stumbling block between You and me anymore.

Lord, I want to give this desire, this drive, this ache up to You. Help me not to snatch it back as I so often do with the burdens I place in Your hands. Help me to be truly content with Your will and Your timing.

Lord, You know that I still desire a baby - someone to mold, teach, train, shape, guide, and help to grow in You. But until the day You give me that joyous blessing, help me to grow in You. Let me reach out to those around me. Let me witness and minister to the children You place in my path.

Lord, if adoption is the path You would have us take, prepare our hearts, and prepare the child who will share our home. If adoption is not Your will for our lives, keep me from pushing ahead of Your plan. Help me to stay submitted to my husband's will, and to Your will. If we are headed in the wrong direction, change our hearts.

Thank You for lifting my burden. Help me to keep You first! Let me seek Your face daily, and let me know that You are enough!

--Jennifer Saake

Source: Hannah's Prayer Ministries

Prayer for Women Who Have Miscarried

Most loving God,
losing a child is devastating.
Bless all women,
and especially _____,
who have had a miscarriage.
Comfort them in their loss.
Give them hope
for children to come.
Bless them with an abundance of love
that as their bodies heal,
so too may their hearts.
Give then the courage to face each new day
in the confidence of your love;
in the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

--Vienna Cobb Anderson

Source: Adapted from "Prayers of Our Hearts" © 1991 Vienna Cobb Anderson. Reprinted with permission of the author.

Christian Blessing for Parents after a Miscarriage

When a baby dies before birth, the parents may seek the prayers of the church. A minister or a member of the family may lead this blessing.

Make the sign of the cross.

The leader begins: Let us praise the Father of mercies, the God of all consolation. Blessed be God for ever.

All respond: Blessed be God for ever.

The leader may use these or similar words to introduce the blessing:

For those who trust in God,
in the pain of sorrow there is consolation,
in the face of despair there is hope,
in the midst of death there is life.

(Name) and (Name), as we mourn the death of your child,
we place ourselves in the hands of God and ask strength, for healing, and for love.

Then the Scripture is read:

Listen to the words of the book of Lamentations:

My soul is deprived of peace,
I have forgotten what happiness is;
I tell myself my future is lost,
all that I hoped for from the Lord.

But I will call this to mind,
as my reason to have hope:
The favors of the Lord are not exhausted,
his mercies are not spent;
They are renewed each morning,
so great is his faithfulness.
My portion is the Lord, says my soul;
therefore I will hope in him.
(v. 3:17-18, 21-24)

The reader concludes: The Word of the Lord.

All respond: Thanks be to God.

After a time of silence, all join in the prayer requests.

These conclude with the Lord's Prayer.

Then the leader may invite all to extend their hands over the parents in blessing.

Father and Creator,
in whom all life and death find meaning,
we bless you at all times,
especially when we have need of your consolation. N. and N. entrust to your care a life conceived in love.
May your blessing come upon them now.
Remove all anxiety from their minds
and strengthen this love
so that they may have peace in their hearts and home.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All respond: Amen.

All make the sign of the cross as the leader concludes:

May the almighty and merciful God bless and protect us, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All respond: Amen.

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