For me, spiritual experience comes consistently from the arts. Sermons are great in their place, but it is through music, literature, art, and film that I most frequently experience moments of infinite silence, liberating joy, and the deep truth of the heart. In the day-to-day swirl of life, it’s easy to forget that such things exist. However, what life obscures, art reveals.

Which art form has inspired you the most?
Music          Theater         Books
Movies & TV          Painting
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With that in mind, I have compiled this highly subjective, wildly eclectic list of Top 10 inspirational, spiritual moments in the arts. These are for me moments of awakening in which the normal boundaries of the self are dissolved and the inner heart of life opens up. Such moments remind us of who we really are. They are memories of paradise, not lost, but always present within.

Number 10 >>
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