2022-07-18 2022-07-18
Affirmations are a simple tool we can use to feel better about ourselves. By repeating aloud or silently the positive things we want for our lives, we train our minds to move past other people's views and our own internal scripts to embrace new and joyful possibilities. According to Charlene Proctor, Ph.D., affirmations help "arrest the impulse to self-doubt and give you more energy to focus your attention on a life filled with prosperity, love, good health, and happiness."

Use the following affirmations by Dr. Proctor to help you reframe some of the daily challenges of life. Sit back, relax, and remember to breathe.

Illness * Gratitude * Aging * Organization * Relationships * Need * Self-Image * New Home * Feeling Unappreciated * Sick Child * No Help with Chores * Lost Pet * Unpleasant People * No Time for Self

Watch "Moments of Empowerment," narrated by Dr. Charlene Proctor

More on Charlene M. Proctor
Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D., is the author of "Let Your Goddess Grow!  7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Power and Positive Thinking" and "The Women’s Book of Empowerment:  323 Affirmations That Change Everyday Problems into Moments of Potential."  She is the founder of The Goddess Network, an online community that inspires women to celebrate the feminine principle at work and at home.  As an author, researcher, and educator, Proctor develops self-empowerment strategies for women in all walks of life, from affirmations to online "Sacred Circles," workshops, and self-help groups.

Click here for her full bio.

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