Coping with Debt and Despair
Searching for the light at the end of the tunnel of debt? Try these tips for emotional debt relief. Learn to soothe your soul as you take responsibility for the money you owe.
By Deborah Price
It seems that almost everyone today is burdened by debt. Many of us feel our personal debts--and our national debt--weighing heavily upon us.
Some people always seem to have issues with owing money. Others have been propelled into debt due to the economic crisis. Regardless of how you got there, debt often equals despair. Let’s take a look at some key ways to deal with owing money– and our fears and feelings about it – that are both practical and spiritual.
Read the first tip on making peace with personal debt .
Financial crisis blogger Deborah Price is devoted to offering hope and support during these difficult times. Visit her blog, Your Daily Spiritual Stimulus .
Use Stress Management Tools
Use Stress Management Tools
Debt can create a lot of stress in your life, so integrate stress management techniques into your daily life and nurture yourself by exercising, eating well and taking care of yourself. Continue to tend to your well-being--emotionally, physically, spiritually and, to the best of your ability, financially.
Understand Your Spending Patterns
Understand Your Spending Patterns
Going forward, make a commitment to understanding your spending patterns so that you can form a new awareness around your shopping habits and impulses. Keep a small notebook to record both your daily purchases and your mood or emotions at the time of purchase. Notice if you tend to shop or buy impulsively for emotional reasons.
Reach Out to a Debt Counselor
Reach Out to a Debt Counselor
If your debt load is overwhelming and preventing you from sleeping or living a normal life, it is important to seek the help of a certified debt or credit counselor. Remember, you deserve help and support, so reach out for assistance.
Know When to Seek Emotional Counseling
Know When to Seek Emotional Counseling
If you are feeling deeply depressed, isolated, emotionally paralyzed or unable to cope with your financial circumstances, seek the help of a therapist or social worker.
Seek the Advice of an Attorney If Needed
Seek the Advice of an Attorney If Needed
If you know deep down that you cannot afford to pay your debts and it's hurting your health, or life, seek the advice of an attorney and consider bankruptcy as an option. Ultimately, bankruptcy is about financial forgiveness and giving people a second chance, which everyone deserves. Know that your life, health and family are far more important than any debts you may owe.
Practice Gratitude
Practice Gratitude
Practice gratitude everyday for this one beautiful life you have been given. If you just do the best you can, each day, to make the most of what you've been given, things will work out.
Pray for Debt Solutions and Peace
Pray for Debt Solutions and Peace
Pray and/or meditate daily to maintain your spiritual and financial well-being. Here's a prayer for making peace with debt:Dear God, Please help me to heal my relationship with money and to be released from the bondage of debt. Help me to know that I am not my debt or my financial circumstances. Help me to know that regardless of my circumstances that my life has meaning and value. Help me to be kind to myself and to use my indebtedness as an opportunity to heal and to be closer to your infinite wisdom. Give me strength, courage and wisdom and guide me to right action. Please surround my life with your constant love, light and protection so that I may know that I am never alone. Thank you for all you have given me and continue to give me. For this and so much more, my life is blessed and I am eternally grateful. I surrender all to you with faith and trust that all will be resolved in time. And so it is. Amen.