Everyone has things that frighten them, and almost everyone is scared stiff of something they encounter in everyday life. For some people it is thunderstorms. Other people are terrified of spiders well into their adult years. Still others never quite conquer that childhood fear of the dark. Millions of people are terrified of snakes and still more are petrified by the mere thought of public speaking. These fears of everyday situations, objects or animals often seem silly to others and can be surprisingly difficult to conquer. Even those facing large fears, such as the loss of a job, may find that while that very legitimate fear haunts them for a longer period of time, it does not create the same heart-pounding terror as stumbling across a scorpion in the garden.
Many “small” fears are believed to be evolutionary survival mechanisms. This is why fears of snakes, spiders and scorpions are so common. Certain species of these animals really could kill a person. In areas where species like Arizona bark scorpions, eastern diamond back rattlesnakes, invasive Burmese pythons or accidentally imported Brazilian wandering spiders are common, fears of various creepy crawly creatures could save a person’s life. Most people, however, did not manage to survive a dangerous encounter by being afraid of spiders. Instead, they wrecked Aunt May and Uncle John’s dinner party because they screamed like a banshee when they found a wolf spider in the bathroom. As such, most people would prefer to either conquer their fears or at least learn how to manage them. To conquer a fear, however, you have to face it. Here are four ways to face everyday fears.