Everyone has had bad days. Sometimes, they seem to start as soon as you get out of bed. Your alarm goes off, and you are grouchy and irritable already. Your spouse drank the last of the milk, you spend 15 fruitless minutes looking for your keys and then you get stuck behind an 18 wheeler that should not even be on the road you take to work. Other times, you wake up in a perfectly good mood, and the world seems determined to ruin it. Your daughter is practically looking for topics to fight about, and you run late to work. Your boss wants you to completely redo your previous project, and your inbox is full of people reporting problems. To make matters worse, the coffee machine is broken. By noon, what started out as a perfectly good day has become seemingly endless misery, and you are counting the hours until you can go home, go to bed and pray for a better day tomorrow.
Bad days are no fun, but there is no reason that you have to stay at the mercy of a miserable morning. You can climb out of your funk and improve your mood. Escaping the doldrums does not require an hour of yoga and meditation either. Here are four simple, painless things you can fit into your normal schedule that can turn a bad day around.