We endure goodbyes, hellos, changed plans and broken comfort zones in life. We work in different zones, experience different cultures and change our address multiple times. Change can be challenging, but isn’t it an essential part of the incredible but challenging adventure of following God?
These Bible verses regarding change can guide and comfort you. Everyone is subject to change, whether married, single or in any season. Whatever season you’re in when the change comes, these scriptures are filled with truths to guide you through the transition. Here are some inspirational Bible verses to help you through transitional times.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
This verse in Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that Christ is constant, no matter what happens. He’s the only constant. He’s the Shepherd who encouraged David to write Psalm 23, the Angel of the Lord who led Israel through the wilderness, and the Messiah whose word calmed a raging sea, and He’s the same Savior who cares for our lives today. His faithfulness remains, and the presence, character and grace of Jesus won’t ever change, even if everything else does.
“But our citizenship is in heaven, as we eagerly await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
This verse from Philippians 3:20 reminds us that the likelihood of everything around us evolving may seem doubtful, but it’s inevitable. That’s because nothing in this world is eternal. Earthly pleasures, riches, health, careers, marriages and success are changeable, temporary and will sadly fade one day. Still, that’s okay because the Bible ensures we don’t belong to a fading world. Change is a reminder that this earth isn’t our eternal home, and if we aren’t home, maybe we shouldn’t get comfortable. Perhaps the plan is to traverse every plot twist of this vanishing life motivated by an ongoing mission, not an earthly mindset. Maybe change can help us learn to do that.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. And surely I am always with you, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20 says that as we live our earthly lives for an infinite mission, this verse reminds us that we aren’t doing this alone, an important reminder in transitional times, for significant changes can lead to loneliness as many people experience when leaving home to start college or trying to find a Christian community in a new town. Navigating the deserts of change is challenging enough for a group but more for a solo traveler. Still, even in the withdrawn wilderness where change can find us alone, Jesus is the only One who can promise to be our constant friend.
“And we know that in all things God works for the greater good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
When a new situation brings challenges, this Romans 8:28 verse reminds us that, like Esther, we can trust God with our stories because it’s a sure thing. If Romans 8:28 said, “In most cases, we hope God can eventually think of a method to turn things around for some people’s benefit,” we would have reason to worry. However, Romans 8:28 radiates confidence in knowing that God has our stories under control. When life’s changes blindside us, we belong to God, who knows the entire storing and has the perfect ending in mind. While we’re trying to figure things out, God is weaving together every plot twist for eternal beauty.
“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”
We don’t see the big picture of our story, so plot twists can seem like the perfect reason to panic. For example, when you hear that your parents are moving, you find reasons to worry from all different angles. You start thinking about where you would work if you moved with them, where you would live, and all the other changes for your family.
When facing these concerns, Matthew 6:25 calms our minds and reminds us to breathe and relax. God doesn’t bring us to these transitions to leave us stuck. He’s far more capable of caring for us than we are. The eternity-focused lives God calls us to mean much more than investing our souls and hearts into searching for earthly things He already knows we need. This journey isn’t always easy, but if we keep taking God’s steps, He’ll beautifully sort out the earthly details.
Stepping back to see the big picture of what these verses reveal, we see that even challenging transitions are opportunities to grow closer to God and closer to following through with the purposes He’s prepared for us. During a transition, the Bible assures us that God won’t change even when everything else does. Earthly lives are destined to change, but our unchanging God called us on an eternal mission to His kingdom. He promises to be with us every step of the way, and we should trust Him.