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James 1:2-3 reminds us to consider joy whenever we face trials because testing our faith produces perseverance. The Bible reminds us that we have reasons to be joyful because we know Jesus. Still, that's easier said than done. When life gives us one blow after another, it's not easy to be joyful in these circumstances. However, there are ways to maintain joy in our lives, even in the most challenging circumstances. If you struggle to maintain joy in your life, here are some ways to do so.

Change your perspective.

When we're going through hardships or challenges, it's easy to focus on the things we've lost and how life isn't going our way or we're not moving forward as we should. Still, God gives us challenges for a reason. He does so not only to test us but to mold us into more Christ-like people. When we come out of a trial, we have more perseverance and become more faithful, and all those challenges produce godly character. If you were going through a challenging situation, think about what God might be using it for. Sometimes, a change in perspective will help us get through another day. When we think about the ways God will use us through our challenges, it gives us reason to have joy.

Cling to God.

No matter how hard life gets, we can trust that we know a God who wants intimacy with Him. He longs for us to spend time with Him, cling to Him, and pour our hearts out to Him. The goal of this is not to influence God to do what we want or get our way. Instead, it's merely to enjoy His company. God is the only One who brags that He wants intimacy with His followers. The reality is that even on our worst days, we can have hope that our Lord and Savior will act on our behalf and in our best interest to help us keep joy even on our darkest days.

Look on the bright side.

Personalities differ from person to person, and each person has a different personality type. Some people like to be optimistic about things, while others are more cynical about life. Joy lets us look on the bright side of life. Betty White once said that her mother told her that at least one thing in your life is going right, even when things are going wrong. Focus on that, and it can change your perspective. That's an excellent way to look at life: focus on the things that are going well in life. Even when dealing with financial hardship, loss of friends, health challenges, or betrayal, choose to focus on the things God has given you that give you joy. Some days, you might be able to focus on several things to give you joy. Still, on other days, you might only be able to focus on one. Focus on that one and let yourself look on the bright side.

Someone is always worse off.

It's easy to focus on challenging circumstances, but there's always someone who has it worse than us. If you're not convinced, scroll through your social media feed. At least one of your friends is going through a more challenging hardship that requires prayer. Our hearts break for our friend's tragedy, but it can also comfort us to know that we're not the only ones going through hardships. Even when our bank accounts are empty, and we're unsure of where our next meal will come from, think about the homeless people who don't have a roof over their heads. When you're on week two of fighting an awful cold, think about the people who can't breathe due to cancer.

Even when life is at its worst, consider all the people who don't know God. Not only do they suffer from the same hardships as us, but they're also unaware of the hope they can place in God. Even worse, they can't put their hope in things being made right in heaven. Take a moment and pray for the people who have it worse than you. Even if you don't know them personally, ask God to guide them, protect them and comfort them. Pray for everyone in your life who doesn't know God. Think about the painful reality that if they die tomorrow, they won't enjoy the intimacy of seeing Christ face to face. Take joy in the fact that, as Christians, we have the hope of eternal life with God.

Things will get better.

There's a saying that goes, "This too shall pass." One of the best parts of knowing God is that we can always put our hope in the fact that things will get better tomorrow. Even during the worst storms of our lives, they eventually end. No matter how bad life gets, we can always do our best to fix things. If things are too broken beyond repair, we have the beauty of having a clean slate in life. We can always start over and start a new chapter. There's always a chance of turning failures into success. We can take joy and comfort in knowing that God is with us in challenging circumstances. We're never alone, and God is always working on our behalf. One day, life will get better, and it's never bad all the time. We can go through difficult seasons in life, but life is just that: a season. Seasons of change, and within weeks, sometimes days, we can go from a challenging season to one of great prosperity and success.

Joy is a choice. We can choose to focus on our heartbreaks, trials, and losses, or we can choose to focus on our blessings, triumphs, and successes. It's all about how we choose to see life. With God, there's always a reason to be joyful. Choose joy during difficulty and trials, and you'll not only have a brighter perspective but also look different and more attractive to those who don't believe in God. Your trial might be the thing that brings people to God because of your reaction to it, and that alone is a reason to be joyful.

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