2025-02-13 2025-02-13
Woman Smiling

You need to make a fundamental change and making choices are part of the evolution of this method. Choices can be for the good or for the bad, depending on the election. Still, decisions can make us feel awkward and could even promote a sense of fright in people because of the unknown. And yet, it can be for our own welfare. It may help us obtain new friends, venture out into a new business or nudge us to consider visiting another land. There comes a time when there will be a fork in the road. We either work within the confines of our personal fears, bad attitudes and unforgiveness or move on in love and in hope. Choice-making can direct us in life whether it's refusing the extra piece of cake or deciding on the more serious things like taking drugs or drinking. All of our actions have consequences, so allow these 6 powerful choices to redirect your steps today.


"The person who chooses to forgive regardless of receiving an apology is the one who is truly free in the end," author Chakell Waedleigh said. There is nothing wrong with sorting through what was done to you. Yet, hanging onto unforgiveness delays growth in your life and can block creativity and passion. Holding onto what you or someone else has done is another assault on the mind and body. Acknowledge your frustrations, dismay and allow yourself to find freedom through forgiveness!

Taking a leap of faith.

Dr. Richard Casdorph started securing X-rays and certificated proof of patients recovering after prayer. This sparked a passion in him to move out further to learn more about the power of intercession. He took a leap of faith as he worked among people who didn't partake in his zeal. He made a judgment to follow his heart and to follow God. Regardless of your religion, anytime you choose to stand up for your principles, you are making a compelling choice.

Loving yourself.

You need to start loving yourself and others today. Avoid the necessity of being absolute and trust what God has for you. Proverbs 3:5 encourages us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Accept that there will be many missteps, but this does not need to define you. Don’t look at all of your flaws and start choosing positive affirmations to trash the abrogating ones. But there is another reason loving yourself is remarkable as it encourages you to cherish others. When you love yourself, you can go easy on others because we're all human and we all make errors. As for your own self-esteem, Coco Chanel put it this way: “I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.” 

Avoiding conflict.

Conflict can really burden the spirit and the body. Write a list of all the things in your life that are creating conflict and emotional distress. Once you are done, delete the list and let go of those groundless contentions. "In order for us to get over our past, we have to examine it. We have to learn who we were in that process and recognize that we are someone different and that we've already grown as the result of those experiences," Pastor and author Sarah Jakes said.

Taking time to unplug.

The American Psychological Association found that meditation is beneficial to our minds, spirits and bodies. Practicing mindfulness boosts the immune system, the memory, intuition, helps with fear and allows you to chill out! This is not just limited to sitting still. Yoga and tai chi can also help you achieve these benefits. The allegory of our contemporary world is to remain busy to stay in the rat race. This has led us to become out of balance. Today, we are overly interconnected to the world through technology and we need to live more in the moment and hold conventional conversations in person with people again instead of texting. 

Start living with purpose.

Take a moment to write down what your purpose signifies. When you jot things down it creates a visual for you and helps with the bigger picture. Look at what matters most to you. Maybe it's to help others reach their goals and dreams. No matter what it is, keep your purpose handy on a business card or on an index card when there is an attack of vexation and doubt. This will help you remain focused. Stop wasting time just hovering by in life, find out what you're enthusiastic about and start from there. Life is not enjoyable when you're stumbling around in the dark.

You have a choice to live with intention, forgiveness, love and understanding in life. The powerful choices you make today can reconstruct your tomorrow for the better or for the worse. We can't always mandate where life may go, but we don't have to be a spectator anymore.
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