Exercise Regularly
One thing that many older people deal with is the slow failure of the body. Elderly people are more likely to deal with issues such as strokes and heart attacks. They are also far more likely to accidentally do serious damage, such as breaking a bone, with a minor accident, such as tripping and falling. This is because their body has become more fragile as they aged. This can be prevented in large part, however, by simply using your body more often.
As you get older, do not stop exercising. Instead, continue to work out until the very end. This will keep your bones strong, muscles limber and joints steady so you are less likely to fall, and if you do, you will be less likely to deal with more serious injuries. If you are struggling with balance or arthritis, you do not have to do heavy weight lifting or run for miles. Switch to light weights or bodyweight exercises and go for a long powerwalk. Listen to your body to avoid injury, but never give up on moving.