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We all have things that we struggle with that can overwhelm us. Sometimes, these situations even break us down. As a result of this, we often feel lost and don’t know what direction we’re supposed to go in. What we often forget is that these periods in our lives are incredible opportunities to turn to God for strength. Prayer helps us to find strength in the midst of our greatest challenges and trials. When we trust in the power of prayer, we can really see God’s power working in our lives. Here are seven prayers to help you stand strong.

A Prayer For Direction in Life

When you’re in need of strength, remember that God is the number one healer and can guide you in endless ways. If your heart and life are centered on God, His Word and His Holy Spirit, you can rest assured that He will direct your path. God’s primary means for giving us guidance is in the Bible. Proverbs 16:9 says, "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." The Lord is literally with you every step of the way, strengthening you and keeping you. If you’re ready to trust in God’s ability to direct your life, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, as I arise today, I pray that Your strength pilot me, Your power uphold me, and Your wisdom guide me. May Your eye look before me, Your hand protect me and Your shield defend me. Amen.

A Prayer For Emotional Strength

Our God has worked in history to defeat sin and Satan and hell and death. He did this through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God has the power to strength your mind, body and spirit if you allow Him to be at work in your life. If you’re ready for God to step in and transform you from the inside out, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, I ask you to strengthen my mind, body and spirit today. When I’m weary, may I be refreshed. When I’m worn, may I be renewed. When I’m broken, may I be restored. When I’m fearful, may I become faithful. I pray that I walk in complete confidence today knowing that the Lord Almighty is with me. Amen.

A Prayer to Allow God Be in Control

In order to stand strong, you have to let God be in control. If you’re in need of strength and are ready for God’s power to transform your life, you have to allow the Lord to rule your life. Let Jesus control your steps. We can only do this when we surrender to Him. If you’re ready to fully let go and let God, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, I surrender every area of my mind, will and emotions to You. I choose to dwell in Your goodness and faithfulness so that the good seeds You’ve planted in my life will take root. Keep me close to You and direct my steps down the good path You have prepared for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A Prayer For God’s Assistance

When you’re in need of strength, one of the best things you can do is call on God for protection and direction. He will direct Your paths for good. If you’re ready for His guidance and protection, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, I come to You today giving thanks. Thank you for keeping and protecting me. Thank you for Your guidance and direction. Thank you for picking me up when I was at my lowest. You are an awesome God and it is because of You I choose to live and walk in Your favor. In Your name I pray. Amen.

A Prayer to Strengthen Our Families

It’s important that we ask God to bless our families and protect them from harm. God has the power to give them grace, forgiveness and strength to overcome all the difficulties they face. He also has the power to keep your family together when the world tries to pull them apart. If you want to lift up prayers to strengthen your family, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for today, Thank you for my dear family and all that You have blessed me with. I pray that you fill My family with peace and strength. I pray that their days go smoothly and that their lives are touched in a special way. Reveal Yourself to them in marvelous ways. I pray that any barriers that separate us be let down, and that we would live as a team for You. I pray that Your will be done today and always. Amen.

A Prayer to Strengthen Our Friendships

Just like it’s important that we pray to strengthen our families, it’s also important that we pray to strengthen our friendships. Our bonds with our friends are important and our friend’s need our encouragement. Prayers can do that very thing. We don’t know all the challenges our friends may be facing today, but we know that God knows everything. He hears their silence and their prayers. If you want to pray for strength in your friends’ life, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, I come before You today knowing that You have all power. I know that You are the Lord and that You care for Your people. Right now, my friend is struggling with a difficult trial. I can see their strength is faltering, Father, and know that You have all the strength that they need. I pray that You will reach down and touch them right now wherever they are at this moment. Thank You for being with them in this difficult time. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A Prayer to Face Life’s Biggest Challenges

God has the power to equip you with strength as you face your biggest challenges. Philippians 2:13 says “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.” He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. His power can renew your strength. If you are in a state of powerlessness today and are ready for God to change that, pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray for Your strength to be renewed in me, a boost of faith to overcome my fears and a splurge of power in my state of powerlessness. Help me to get back on my feet once again and to run the race that is set before me. Amen.

Instead of letting fear dominate your heart, allow God to strengthen it. Instead of worrying about your next decision, ask God to lead you and guide you along the way. Nothing’s too big or too small for God to handle. Trust in His power.

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