Beliefnet asked our readers to share their original angel prayers. May these prayers inspire your daily conversations with heavenly guardians. Thank you to all who submitted their poems.

Prayers for Our Soldiers
God in heaven, send down some Angels
Guide our troops and protect them

As they move from place to place
Follow and guide them
Away from dust storms

With every step they take...
Keep them safe from bombs and missiles
When protecting innocent people

Every day when they wake up
Give them strength and power
To handle what’s ahead of them

Guide the children and women
And free the men, young and old

God…bless our troops
and our President
Let's set the people free

Prayer to the Archangels
Archangels, hear me.

Ariel, Blessed to Nature's bounty and health,
May I always see the beauty of her Life
and communicate that beauty to all
so they might know the wonders
of God’s magnificence.

Gabriel, Messenger of the One,
May my voice resonate
in those who hear my Music.
I ask to communicate Joy and Harmony
so they might experience Unity
with God’s Intention.

Uriel, Fire of God,
Infuse my written words
with Passion and Benevolence
to raise the people of Earth
to a higher understanding
of God’s Grace.

Raphael, God’s Healer and Restorer,
I ask that my music, my words, and my touch
aid those in need.
Use me as an Instrument of healing
to instill Peace in the hearts
of God’s children.

Michael, Sword of God,
Hear my prayer for enlightenment
of these children.
Make me a crucible of release
through my Talents, and use me
as your arm for God’s Glory
so all may know
Heaven’s Perfection on Earth.

Archangels grant me to be
an emissary of your Gifts
so the hearts of men know Truth,
and understand that they are not alone
in this life nor in their future lives
here or elsewhere in His Infinite Universe.

Amen. Amen. Amen.
~Jennifer L. Flamand

Keep Me Safe
Angels, angels in my path,
guard me justly from all wrath,
keep me safe,
keep me true,
to my savior bring me through
Don’t delay in night or day
to my God, my Lord, I pray.

My Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel, by my side,
from my presence, do not hide.
Stay by me both night and day,
protect me while at work or play.

Hold me in thy loving hands,
steady the rock on which I stand.
Let me know that you are near,
take away my doubts and fears.

Let me know thy Holy presence,
provide my daily substance.
Help me feel thy loving care,
of your tenderness, to be aware.

Shield me from all harm and strife,
bless me with successful life.
Watch over me when "ere I sleep,
and through the night, my soul please keep.

Refresh me with the morning light,
strengthen me to face the fight.
Go with me to that Heavenly place,
where I'll finally look upon His face.

For Protection
Archangel Michael, I ask you to place a protective shield around my family--our home, our animals, and our vehicles. Do not allow anyone who wishes harm or negativity to penetrate.

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