2025-02-13 2025-02-13
archangel chamuel

You are in a time of a great spiritual awakening and that brings with it much change. How you love and see one another is changing at its very core. Open yourself up to the grand possibilities and know that love indeed does heal all things. Love one another with your hearts open and let that be your guiding force in all that you do.

Working with Archangel Chamuel: Chamuel's name means "he who sees god" or “he who seeks god” and it is his purpose to help us see the love and godliness in each other. He works on the pink ray of divine love and light. Rose Quarts is the stone that works to open up your heart, and together with Chamuel's energy and fluorite crystals of green, pink, and/or purple you become a warrior of light. Use pink to opening your heart and your mind to more unconditional love and compassion. Use green fluorite to help your heart to heal as well as helping others. Use purple fluorite to help yourself connect with a soul mate, to invoke great passion within yourself or rekindle the memories of your soul love with your current mate.

The scent of Roses and its essence will also help your heart to heal and open. Chamuel can help with love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, creativity and finding your passion, or career path. He can assist you in overcoming any thoughts of less than you hold about yourself and/others and he is very useful in helping with all relationships, being in your life purpose, finding peace for yourself and the world, and finding lost objects. Just ask for him to connect with you and speak from your heart. That is all that is required and he will help to light the way.

Trust with love and an open heart for yourself and all that is, for you are becoming a human angel with Archangel Chamuel’s loving light.

Expanding your Heart with Archangel Chamuel

Healing your heart from past hurts it part of the human experience and not always easy to understand when you forget that you truly belong to each other. Relationships that continue to grow will last a life time and beyond and should be cultivated and cherished. Some relationships are shorter and meant to assist you through a stage in your life and then they move on to their next assignment. This does not mean that they love you any less that someone who stays with you for most of your life, it is just that their contract of friendship and support are somewhat different.

As you experience your life, there are many significant events that reshape your view of life, how your world works, and leads to a powerful understandings, which then lead to change. Change is the sign of evolution and that is also part of the life experience. You are meant to grow and evolve when you do an earth experience and it also changes the very fabric of your universe. This is a time of positive change and signifies a new beginning, a new understanding of how things work, and a new way of honouring and viewing your contracts and commitments.

Open your heart and your mind to those around you. When you need to make a complex decision about your life and what to do next on your journey, trust that you are surrounded by trustworthy people and know that you are supported. Do research to help you feel more comfortable and confident in the steps you take and be open to receiving some heartfelt advice for someone you respect and admire. And in the same token, remember that when someone says something that feels hurtful to you, to not take it personally as really it is their issue and you are not responsible for their state of being. It is important that you keep your peace and balance for yourself and it is for them to find that for themselves. Send them love and release any lower thoughts you have about yourself or others.

Learn what you can from each situation and see the love and gift is has to offer you. Review your motives and understanding as this helps you see the bigger picture and helps you grow beyond it. Positive resolutions are always available and sometimes take compassion and compromise to reach that state. Remember to see the beauty and the gift and then you will know you completed the task at hand.

Find balance in your emotional and mental bodies as this is something you can do for yourself to find your footing. You know within your heart what is right and just and let that be the guiding force that you use to find your way. You are creating a way of being one with the earth and all that is, trust that it is unfolding as it should.

This is a time of spiritual and emotional growth. The way you view your very life is changing. Do not be afraid of the path ahead, for it is filled with unexpected opportunities. Stretch your wings and fly. You are a beautiful spark of Creator Light and so do not underestimate yourself and the gift you give to others. Use your creativity blended with your heart and you will find the passion that you seek to love your life and all the gifts that the human experience offers for your expansion and growth.

Learn more about Sharon Taphorn here.

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