Manifestation Has Limits
Some people like to use the phrase “anything is possible.” If you are talking about the universe as a whole, then yes, anything is possible. But when we narrow the lens to focus in on just one individual human life, the possibilities likewise narrow significantly.
We each have a specific destiny to live out on earth, which incorporates our natural talents and passions, as well as people and places we were meant to experience. Yet there is definitely a lot of wiggle room here, so if what you want to manifest falls within the broad parameters of your destiny, Haniel is eager to help you manifest it.
Haniel is also bound by the constraints of earthly existence. If you ask to manifest a million dollars out of thin air, Haniel probably cannot help you. But if you ask to manifest a down payment for a house, Haniel might help you get a raise at your current job, help you find extra part-time work, offer ideas about whom you could borrow the money from or even make a suggestion about a different investment that is more suited to your current lifestyle and financial resources.