When we were little, my brothers and sisters and I were taught by our parents that God resided within each of us; that our divinity was not something we needed to go out and look for. Instead, we would find it when we looked within. In our house, there were tons of different religious symbols all around. We had laughing Buddhas and framed words from Christ. We had copies of the Torah, the Tao Te Ching, and the Bhagavad Gita.
We went to a Christian school, but we were encouraged to question what they taught us - rather than accept it as the truth just because it was being told to us. We were raised with the idea that if we learned about divinity from every perspective, we would ultimately realize that we were divine ourselves. From an early age we were taught that we are all pieces of the one creator, whatever you want to call it, and that we all came from there and will return there. We were also taught that all matter, all thoughts, and all beings are energy. The great creator is the energy of all of us, and being a part of it is what makes us all one. We often discussed the idea that everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. Treasuring your divinity simply means accepting all parts of yourself as having come from pure, divine love. I know that there are times when loving yourself and feeling worthy as a human being are really challenging. There are times when we all doubt our self-worth and feel lacking in different areas of our lives. But to treasure your divinity is to know in the deepest part of your being that you are worthy of love, that you come from a place of perfect love, and that you are love.
When I join Dad on his cruises, he and I often walk the perimeter of the ship and talk about various things that are on our minds. He said that ever since he was in the Navy, being on the ocean reminds him of God. As he’s told me many times, we are all pieces of God, every single one of us. We all come from God, but we are also all made up of God. He explained that if you take a cup and fill it up with water from the ocean, what you have in that cup is ocean. You don’t have the entire ocean in that cup, nor do you have its cumulative size and strength, but you do still have ocean in that cup. Human beings are little cups of God. We may not be as big or as strong as God, but we are all still God, for that is what we are made of. If I were to take that cup of ocean water and place it on the ship’s deck, eventually the water would evaporate and return back to the ocean. But while the water is in a separate container, it loses the power of the entire ocean force. It simply isn’t as strong as the rest of the ocean.
This is the secret reason to treasure our divinity. When we feel disconnected from our source, we lose our own divine power. Of course, just like the cup of water, we will eventually all change form and go back to our source. But we don’t have to die to be connected to God. As long as we see ourselves as God, we have access to the power of God - which, as Dad once wrote, “is the unlimited power to create, to be miraculous, and to experience the joy of being alive.”
To read more by Serena Dyer click here.