Dan Carter is an Investment Representative for Safeguard Investment Advisory Group and before he was married, the pastor gave him advice. “He said money can cause a lot of problems in a marriage. When the wolves are at the door, couples stress, argue, and often break up.” Keeping a marriage together is one thing, but adding the stress of money can make tempers really flare. About 80 percent of spouses lie about the money they spend, and another 6 percent are hiding a bank account or have a secret credit card. Hidden accounts were more common than people think. The survey conducted by CreditCards.com found that 1 in 5 people believed it was fine to spend over 300 dollars without sharing the information with their spouse. Getting on the same financial page as your spouse is never easy no matter what vices we use. But here are 6 ways to help you get on the right track with your partner.