The battery has no more life left and this sums up how you're feeling as you look into an emotional abyss. Maybe there is a depression, a deep loss or a personal failure. When we feel undervalued in any area of our lives, it impacts our self-esteem and confidence. Be honest with yourself and notice recent habits. Are you drinking or smoking more? Are you not coping with stress like you used to? If so, you have a power outage. Your timeline might be mired with lots trials or maybe you have coasted for some time. But now, you've hit rock bottom. There is a blessing and a lesson hidden. Radio host Steve Harvey once said, "If you let the adversity crumble you, you will lay there and wallow in the failure, but life is 10 percent what happened and 90 percent what you're going to do about it." In this case, there is something that you can do about it. Consider these 6 ideas on tapping into the power within.