4 Keys to Lasting Happiness
Becoming happier everyday takes practice! It is a skill than anyone of us can learn. It isn’t a gift from great parents or given to only the lucky ones. Happiness actually is something you create within you by thinking and living in a certain way. In other words, you can learn how to become happier no matter what your current circumstances are.
So my suggestion to you today is to pick up a book, watch a video, speak to friend, get a mentor (or teacher) and learn the things you need to do to become happier… I promise the only thing you’ll lose is your unhappiness!
And on that note, I got a chance last month to meet another author, Anne Deidre, who knows an awful lot about happiness. She is a living example of someone who went from deep depression to everyday joy. If she can do it, so can you. Anne was also kind enough to share her “4 Keys to Lasting Happiness” with us below for a guest blog. Enjoy!
All too often it can feel as though happy moments come and go, and that what is happening in our outer world determines how happy we feel in life. I believe that the goal in life is to be able to transcend any challenge and move back into our natural state of joy. I also believe that we are powerful creators of happiness in our lives. I have discovered several keys that can help us move back into the alignment of natural happiness and to stay there more often than not.
Here are Anne's 4 keys to unlock the happiness within you.
Make sure to follow Maureen Healy’s Happiness blog!