Ask Your Intuition Questions
Your intuition provides wise guidance especially on the topic of love. We all receive intuition in different ways. You might hear it as a still, quiet, inner voice, a symbolic image, a feeling or an “aha” moment. Intuition may also arrive in a dream. However it comes to you, begin to pay attention to it. One of the best ways to do this is by asking questions.
Grab a pen and a notebook and sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Begin to envision the relationship you desire and ask your intuition a series of questions: 1) Is there anything standing in my way of drawing this person into my life? 2) Is there anyone I need to forgive (or let go of) in order to meet my mate? 3) What could I do to attract my soul mate? You may think of many more questions to ask. However, when you feel you have some answers forming in your mind, begin to write. Intuition often comes in fragments of information. Write whatever you receive. The guidance may also come later in the day or in your dreams. Trust that the answers will arrive and be clear.