No Guts, No Glory
Risk. It’s a word that strikes fear in the collective hearts and minds of those who are understandably reticent to get out of their comfort zone and take those barrier-busting leaps of faith. However, for me, the word “risk” evokes a sense of excitement. Of limitless possibility. It reminds me of the famously insightful notion to “go out on a limb, because that’s where the fruit is." Truer words cannot be spoken as risk is the preeminent propelling force that helps companies and individuals, alike, accelerate and achieve key success benchmarks. Of course, many, if not most, people are fearful of risk. In fact, it’s been said that FEAR stands for “Forget Everything And Run,” which is a logical reaction given that, by definition, risk is “the possibility of suffering harm or loss,” and involves “uncertain danger.”
But, amid the vast upside possibilities, I prefer to negate the negative connotations associated with risk and repudiate the debilitating aversion to “learning the hard way.” People actually learn best by feeling the result of their actions, whether that result is positive or negative. When, as children, we’re told to not touch something hot or we’ll get burned, we don’t really have a full appreciation of the danger until we actually touch it, which we inevitably did. The understanding and knowledge gained from that experience was far greater than simply taking your parent’s word for it and never feeling the burn. The message here isn’t to take action towards things that are inherently bad for you, but rather it’s that you’re most powerful knowledge base will come from taking risks. If you're ready to supercharge positive change in your life but doing so requires an element of risk, here are four pieces of wisdom to get you started: