There is much to be learned from this lesser-known heroine in the Bible and lady of faith. Abigail’s story can be found in 1 Samuel 1:25. While she is described as beautiful in the Bible, unlike many other women referenced in the Old Testament, she is also described as “intelligent”, “clever” or “of good understanding”. On top of having beauty and brains, she was also brave. She was a humble woman, married to a wealthy but unscrupulous man named Nabal. She used her wisdom, along with her wealth to plead for the safety of her husband’s household. David, the future king of Israel, swore to seek vengeance after being insulted by Nabal, but was so moved by Abigail’s humble plea, that his heart turned. She was brave enough to take a leap of faith when the odds were against her, humble enough to acknowledge her husband’s shortcomings and trusted God’s will enough to let go and let Him.