Speak Positive Affirmations Aloud
You might think that talking to yourself is a bit weird, but the truth is, everyone does it.
People talk to themselves in their heads all day long. Researchers estimate that the average person has 50,000 – 70,000 thoughts per day.
That’s 50,000 – 70,000 fragments of conversations you’re having with yourself in your head every day, and most of them are unconscious. Which can be more damaging than you might think.
Why? Because when we repeat a thought over and over again, we soon accept it as truth and internalize it as part of our belief system. We quietly lay neural pathways that reinforce our thoughts, no matter how negative or self-wounding.
Knowing this, you can consciously create the neural pathways that serve you best.
For example, you can choose the belief that “I grow more and more confident every day.”
Starting with reinforcing your confidence, make a list of positive affirmations that you want to cultivate as beliefs, and repeat them out loud for 3-5 minutes every day at least once.
It helps to do it at the same time everyday, for example right after you get out of the shower in the morning. Although it may seem strange at first, speaking your affirmations aloud in front of the mirror while looking into your own eyes will amplify the effect.
For faster results, say them as often as possible, loop them in your head while driving to work or waiting in the checkout line.
When you feed your brain with confident thoughts and positive affirmations on a daily basis, your brain will increasingly “believe” those messages.
And as a result, your confidence will slowly, steadily increase.