It is a time of personal and spiritual growth, A time to empower yourself with grace, wisdom and knowledge. Do not be afraid to exercise your rights in all situations that call upon you to be strong. You are not alone and are surrounded by angels who want nothing more than to support you as you become the powerful beings you are becoming.
"I feel the strength and love within me that is of Creator Light. If I am afraid or unsure, I remember that I am loved, I am surrounded by support and I draw my strength from this knowledge."
If things around you feel uncertain and you don't know where to go or what to do next, take a moment and call upon Archangel Michael to comfort you. Call upon the Master Jesus and ask to feel his strength and love, and call upon the Almighty Creator of all that IS to enlighten you with understanding and compassion. Let no one diminish you as you are all beautiful sparks of Creator inspired Lights and you are loved for walking the path of human.