When we are faced with a tough situation, it might seem like there is no hope in overcoming the obstacle. Instead, we breakdown. It can be difficult to see anything other than the problem you are facing when you are in the middle of it. Running worse-case scenarios in your head, holding on to hurt, or focusing on what isn’t working can all make us feel wounded and broken. However, there is a way to turn wounds into wisdom if you allow it.
There are five ways to handle a breakdown and turn it into wisdom. First, don’t blame anyone outside of yourself as it stops the process of healing. Secondly, don’t beat yourself up for feeling how you do or doing what you did. It will only make things worse. Thirdly, don’t over think and analyze it. Instead, simply tell yourself, “I accept this pain, for it is here to teach me something and I will become wiser because of it.” Allow yourself to fully feel each emotion that may come during this time. Fourthly, don’t try to distract yourself from your pain by drinking, eating, people or whatever your vice may be. Temporary Band-Aids will not solve your underlying problem. Lastly, once you have allowed yourself to fully experience the breakdown, figure out what you desire out of the situation and what you need to achieve that. For example, if you have been through a difficult breakup and want to make peace with it, you will need to access compassion for both of you. That may require you to remember the good times, forgive them for the bad, and then be at peace wishing them well in their future.