The Seven Sticking Points
As you look back over your own story and try to explain how you ended up stuck, you may discover the same thing I did. There are many “ifs” that have affected your journey. Typically it is not one event that ends up getting you stuck; it’s a series of events—and your response to those events—that leads you to your current predicament.
I have seen many vibrant, gifted people unexpectedly end up stalled on the side of the road. They are scratching their heads and wondering what in the world happened to them. Often they linger so long in that spiritual traffic jam that their soul drains, their dreams evaporate, and they dismiss their vision as a season of naïve, youthful idealism.
Common to almost every person’s journey to “stuck” are at least a few of these seven sticking points. These sticking points appear in Elijah’s story too. He had to confront each of them in order to step out of his cave. These seven sticking points are traps that send millions into frustrating dead-end living. Not every person gets stuck on all seven points but most of us struggle with some combination of them.