Confront Discouragement
You will experience discouragement; you are living out the consequences of your loved one’s actions. Discouragement can produce sadness, insecurity, indifference, numbness and distrust. You will also have to deal with mental and spiritual fatigue. The process is not easy. It’s important that you confront and cure your discouragement. First, it’s important that you get rest. It may be hard to make that choice in the midst of court, visitation and your own life. But for your own health, well-being and sanity, you have to take a break from your routine. This may mean skipping an occasional visitation, particularly when other family members and friends want to go. Another way you can confront discouragement is by resisting fear. The Bible tells us “Be strong and courageous… Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God is with you” (1 Chronicles 28:20). Remember, God is with you.