Metals are creatures of enlightenment, and are cool and collected. They are often pacifists, conflict-avoidant, and disciplined. They are also practical, methodical, and pragmatic.
While this may begin to sound like wood, metal is very different—when something is wrong, a wood will express their displeasure. You’ll know. Metals, however, can detach from people with little emotion. They don’t want to fight—that would only get in the way of the purity of their quest toward enlightenment.
Metals are also graceful individuals. When they enter a room, they do so like royalty—everyone takes note. That grace isn’t limited to their movement and appearance, however—they take on life’s challenges without looking ruffled, and constantly seek out the company of masters, of those who have the most to teach them, gracefully striving to reach their personal best.
Not prone to developing one-on-one relationships, metals can often be seen serving the greater good of humanity, volunteering, giving to charity, and running nonprofits.
Something for metals to watch out for is the need to stay connected. If you’re a metal, you need the company of others—not only that, but you need deep, personal relationships.
Any relationship can wither without the proper care, and for a metal obsessed with their own personal quest, that withering can easily happen. Make sure to take an interest in the spiritual evolution of those close to you, as well as your own.
Bring others along on your journey. You’ll be happier for it.