Do a Potluck
For the lazy and the anxious hostess, a potluck can be the easiest to do. Set a dinner theme and ask each person to bring a fun or favorite dish so there can be a variety of food items. You can do various foods like Mexican, Italian, Greek or American to make the party more interesting. However, you need to set some guidelines. Why? Well, if you don't, the potluck could be a failure as people will bring the wrong dishes or there might be too much of one food item. If everyone works as a team and follows your clear instructions then you will enjoy it. "However, if you give no guidelines, are vague about every detail and prepare nothing because you’re the host and therefore consider yourself free from any food and drink responsibility, your potluck will soon descend into disaster," suggested. Although doing a potluck is easier, you still play a role in ensuring things run smoothly.